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日期:2020-01-01   点击数:3524  



联系方式:Email: yuanhh@ntu.edu.cn, Tel: +86-513-85012818


袁卉华,男,博士,副教授(校聘教授),硕士生导师。博士毕业于东华大学化学专业(生物材料方向)。从2017年起先后任990am金沙登录讲师(校聘副教授)、副教授(校聘教授)。江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才培养对象。现任SCI期刊 Frontiers in Bioengineering and BiotechnologyIF=6.064, 二区)副主编(Associate Editor 生物材料类),曾任SCI期刊Biomimetics 客座编辑(IF=3.743, 三区)。目前课题组重点开展生物医用材料与组织修复再生的基础和应用研究,在生物材料、纳米技术、高分子复合材料等领域的学术刊物上发表SCI论文45篇(其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文27篇,中科院一区论文12篇,二区论文9篇),获选SCI 期刊编辑的重点推荐(Editor’s Pick)及特色文章(Featured articles1篇(Biomed Mater 2014, 9(5):055001),目前SCI论文被引用达1900余次,H-指数23(谷歌学术数据),第一作者撰写英文专著的1个章节,获授权15项中国发明专利。中国生物材料学会、中国生物医学工程学会、中国化学会以及国际组织工程与再生医学会员,也是Adv Funct Mater, Adv Sci, ACS Nano, Small等一区TOP国际学术期刊的受邀论文评审人。工作以来,承担国家自然科学青年基金项目、江苏省自然科学青年基金项目、南通市科技计划项目等10余项课题。主讲本科生《生物统计学》、《细胞工程》和硕士生研究生《高级生物统计学》、《干细胞生物学进展》等课程。



1.      临床生物医用材料与器械的研发

2.      复合材料

3.      仿生材料与组织工程

4.      药物可控缓释系统



1.Feng Xiong, ShuoWei, Han Sheng, Shuyuan Wu, Zihao Liu, Wenzhuo Cui, Yunqian Sun, Yijia Wu, Biyun Li, Hongyun Xuan, Ye Xue*, Huihua Yuan*. Three-layer core-shell structure of polypyrrole/polydopamine/poly(l-lactide) nanofibers for wound healing application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 222:1948-1962. (IF2021=8.025,一区)

2.Shuyuan Wu, Zhuojun Zhang, Ran Xu, Shuo Wei, Feng Xiong, Wenzhuo Cui, Biyun Li, Ye Xue*, Hongyun Xuan*, Huihua Yuan*. A spray-filming, tissue-adhesive, and bioactive polysaccharide self-healing hydrogel for skin regeneration. Materials & Design, 2022, 217:110669. (IF2021=9.417,一区)

3. Feng Xiong, Shuo Wei, Han Sheng, Xiang Han, Wei Jiang, Zhuojun Zhang, Biyun Li, Hongyun Xuan, Ye Xue*, Huihua Yuan*. In situ polydopamine functionalized poly-L-lactic acid nanofibers with near-infrared-triggered antibacterial and reactive oxygen species scavenging capability. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 201:338-350. (IF2021=8.025,一区)

4. Hongyun Xuan1, Shuo Wei1, Feng Xiong, Zhuojun Zhang, Ye Xue, Miao Sun*, Biyun Li*, Huihua Yuan*. Design of porous and fish scale-like nanofibers for the reinforcement of transparent composites. Materials & Design, 2021, 212:110284. (IF2021=9.417,一区)

5. Hongyun Xuan, Shuyuan Wu, Simiao Fei, Biyun Li, Yumin Yang*, Huihua Yuan*. Injectable nanofiber-polysaccharide self-healing hydrogels for wound healing. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2021, 128: 112264. (IF2021=8.457,一区)

6. Huihua Yuan1, *, Xiaolei Li1, Ming-Song Lee, Zhuojun Zhang, Biyun Li, Hongyun Xuan, Wan-Ju Li, Yanzhong Zhang*. Collagen and chondroitin sulfate functionalized bioinspired fibers for tendon tissue engineering application. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 170:248-260. (IF2021=8.025,一区)